Whether you are a retailer of clothes, furniture or automotive supplies, you need to feel confident that your customers, employees and services are protected. You can count on Folks Insurance Group to protect your customers while they shop, your employees as they set up displays, and the inventory you keep in your storeroom. You can depend on us to protect your reputation and help minimize business interruption should you ever have a claim.
That's why we at Folks Insurance Group tailor our coverages and services to give main street businesses the right protection. Our risk management specialists are experts and can help you identify potential hazards and recommend measures to eliminate or reduce those risks.
"Jim Folks and The Folks Insurance Group has been my broker for the past 10 years. As a small business owner, I have employees who depend on me, and it is assuring to know that my agent is my advocate. I can not afford increased premiums, and the Folks Group accesses many companies to assure stable pricing and complete coverages. A storm like Sandy would have put me out of business, but thankfully I had business interruption in my policy, on the advice of my agent. Jim Folks knows what I need to stay up and running, and his office is a pleasure to do business with!"