The vehicle you depend on should have coverage you can count on. Folks Insurance Group offers comprehensive polices, competitive rates and the expertise to help you make the right decisions. We'll save you money through cost saving ideas such as:
Throughout your life, you work hard to attain assets such as your vehicles. Let Folks Insurance Group protect your assets. As your life changes, so do your coverage needs. Our professional staff remains proactive in finding coverage that best suits your lifestyle. Please peruse our testimonials and hear what our current clients have to say.
"I have been a customer of Folks Insurance Group for almost 20 years and I am extremely pleased with the services they provide. Barbara Lyons has been my agent for multiple cars and my homes throughout that time and I always feel she looks out for me. She reviews my accounts and lets me know if I could do better and makes the appropriate recommendations. Most importantly, it’s the great relationship and trust I have with them, making me feel like I’m important to their company. Their service is best in class!"